Friday, January 16, 2009

The New Look & Feel

I think this picture is worth at least 1000 words. This is a shot of the sunrise through my window last week when I stayed up all night watching Begin Transmission videos. (Congrats to Natacia! I'll see you soon!)
Would you believe that this picture really does no justice to the breathtaking beauty of the sunrise that morning?

Also, take a look at the new look and feel of Tranquil Mammoth. What do you think? I decided that I needed to change it up for 2009. I always strive to be at the forefront of style and sophistication, so why should my blog be an exception?

Ok...this short blog has come to an end.


Cecilia said...

There is nothing better than staying up to see the sun rise.

Anonymous said...

Love the new look hunter!! xD Though the elephant kind of threw me off guard for a moment.

The picture is quite lovely as well I must say. I love seeing sunrises and sun sets in my opinion they're the most beautiful parts of the day.

much love!

Esmé Glass said...

"[I]f you don't know who I am, [G]oogle me."

Wow. I need to put that in my profile. Only you have to add "Halifax" to the search. And "Racquel Valencia" won't work, since I'm not the real her (whoever she is.)

Anonymous said...

It's pretty snazzy, I must say.
It's a condition of my parole.

Jay said...

Diggin' the new look.

Ciamore said...

The new look is very modern and smooth. I like it! And that picture is positively beautiful. I only wish we could see sunrises like that here; they're sadly often lost to all the city lights.

alayna said...

like the new look. very classy, & it really lightens up the feel of your blog.

I love staying up all night until the sun rises & you can hear birds starting to sing! Favorite part of the day.

Unknown said...

That Natacia is a lucky girl. I'm sure she knows it too. Nice picture...imagine how a psychodelic sunrise would have looked!

1340230984 said...

Lol, I think I can see my house in the photo. See that tiny dot on the left? Yeah, that's me hauling myself to work at 6:30 a.m.

Anonymous said...

Loving the banner :] ~

girlisgrey said...

Nice new feel to the blog Hunter. It's very fresh ;)

Jessus said...

Congrats Naticia!

Nice new layout.

Meredith said...

That really is a pretty picture. I do my best to never be awake for sunrise, but where I live we get some gorgeous sunsets.

Anonymous said...

Love that picture. It's beautiful. You have quite the view, then. I'm jealous.

I'm also lovin' the new look and feel of Tranquil Mammoth. Classy, yet casual. Nice job.

Anonymous said...

Me gusta.

lisa said...

looks good. nice choice on color. soothing.

Christy said...

Aw. I'm gonna miss the long, verbose blogs that take forever to appear and have more than a plethora of links. And, plainly being a slightly obsessive compulsive creature of extreme habit, I'll also miss the old look. Not that I don't like the new one, it's just that I'm slightly crazy. No worries.

And the picture is gorgeous. Sunrises are the most beautiful, but the most costly to capture, I think. The sleep loss...

Ebon said...

That sun rise is beautiful but i can't stop laughing at the horse's butt....

skenasis said...

You have an incredible view from your window. Also, definitely liking the new look. It's nice.

Anonymous said...

I feel you're underestimating our intellect by feeling the need to state the end of your blog entry :P

Unknown said...

Oh What a nice picture awwww....
And new blog style is realy cool.

Anonymous said...

i love the new look blog! i can now finally comment :)
that picture is gorgeous by the way!

regarding the red sky, my mum always says "red sky in the morning, shepards warning. red sky at night, shepards delight". i'm not a shepard, but it basically means that if the sky is red in the early morning its gonna RAIN!

don't ask... its an Irish thing...

(but it has been true for the last week or so here *laughs* sooo cold...)

Karlye said...

That's a beautiful picture, Hunter! I've never really had the chance to watch the sun rise before, I've only seen it set.

Lovely new layout too, I'm digging the Mammoth banner.

Many congratultions to Natacia as well, she's a very lucky lady. :)

Andrea Alonzo said...

is just lovely! so beautifull

Sarah said...

Nice look, although your mammoth is not so woolly. Are you becoming a tranquil elephant these days?

Beautiful photo! My question to you, if a picture has a 1000 words for you, does a word create a 1000 pictures for you?

sadclowndisease said...

I haven't pulled an all nighter in like 10 years... Hmm... Perhaps I will soon.

Also, I'm needing new shoes, when do the new ones drop?

Rock on

WitheredRose said...

I think the new layout is beautiful! Good job! ^_~

Anonymous said...

I love that pic. Might be because I love sunrises. :)

Love you

Sparkletecture said...

not gonna lie - the horse booty was frightening, hunter.

Anonymous said...

awesome picture!
and your blog looks pretty classy mr. burgan

TLK KNS said...

that picture is amazing, would be nice to see that in person! We need to take time out of our busy lives to enjoy what nature brings forth to us!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's gorgeous. I haven't seen a sunrise in a while. Well, I mean, I haven't stopped for a few minutes to actually look at one.

A | E said...

Ian told me I should check out your blog more often, so I did. This picture is beautiful.