As many people already know, I have been making surprise appearances at Tegan & Sara shows to play the shaker on "Back In Your Head." As a result, I've become rather famous in the shaker community. I'm kind of like a living legend now. People stop me on the street and ask me to shake my stuff, a request I generally oblige. Then they pay me. It's normal. Now, if any of you happen to be shakists or run in shaker circles, then you certainly know that the pinnacle of a shakist's career is to appear on "Late Night with Conan O'Brien". Well, Mr. O'Brien, who is a huge fan of the shaker, had his people contact my people, who then contacted me to ask if I would like to be on his show. I said yes on one condition, that Tegan & Sara be allowed to perform as well. I mustn't forget that they were the ones who helped launch me into my new career. So what I'm really getting at is...I will be performing with Tegan & Sara on Late Night with Conan O'Brien on Tuesday, July 31st. Check local listings for time.
and as always, Stay Fresh™.
Dag, yo.
I must witness this!
are you sure it's not the day before? i wouldn't want to miss it, or anything.
I *absolutely* love the shaker!! Congratulations on your new career! That is really nice of you to help your friends like that. :)
Woah. This is awesome. It's like your first time there isn't it?
Wow, I'm so proud of you...
I'm gonna watch and rewatch it.
Go shak your stuff gurl friend..
Bah! Love Tegan and Sara. Love you.
I will jump up and down, point as the screen and scream "I LOVE THIS MAN" when I see you strut yo stuff, boo!
Also, I will not hesitate to call out "HUNTAAAAAA" 5000000 million times!
That's pretty wicked! Tegan and Sara are awesome, I'm gonna see them in August.
Now go shake it like nobody's business.
Can't wait to see you shake your stuff on national tv. Shake it well man, shake it well.
shake it like a polaroid picture!
Wow, I almost missed this news. Will definitely check it out!
Sweet, I shall be watching!
Oh, Hell yes!
Conan is awesome.
You'll go far...x'DD
You on Conan with Tegan & Sara. Three of my favorite things! Well 4 if you count them as sepreat people. My life is now complete.
Thats hella sick!
Cant wait to watch!!
It's about time your shaking skills got noticed on a national level.
I'm proud of you.
p.s Wear the wig
You should use a rattle snake as a shaker. That'd be so badass.
congrats to your new career
♥ Buzz
Holy shit! I would pay millions to see you shake it!
And, ':O'! I must not miss this as I have missed many other bands, namely Wolfmother and Tiger Army... grrr...
And, that picture of you totally giving it away? Stellar. Reason enough for me to buy tickets to every Tegan and Sara show... try my luck. It's like Hunter Roulette or something. But not really.
Heh, I just realized that I mixed Conan O'Brien up with Jimmy Kimmel. Haha, I'm so funny....
Fosho. You should dance with Conan like Andrew W.K. did!
You're like a living legend now? Well it's about freaking time. Everyone should know the radness that is Hunter Burgan, duh.
hahaha awesome
ill have to tell my guidance counselor about that as a career... can i be your apprentice?
my mother thinks you are adorably funny
You are a wonderful person for getting them on the show.
And look at how talented you are.
Heyyy Mr.Shakerr.
Lovely. The cd is amazing!
I shall be recording. And rerunning endlessly.
To those who missed out:
Hey Hunter? Will you shake it like a Polaroid picture?
You are a man of many talents.
The shaker is one of the most important parts in the percussion section. I have indeed played the shaker in the school band. . .good times good times. You shall expect me to be glued to the television set to watch you SHAKE YO THANG BETCH! -ahem- Mhmm. . .
I'm totally watching this.
actually, rephrase that. I totally NEED to watch this.
Do the shakers ever perform with the movers. I'm sure that would be stunning.
Yeah! I'm so excited. Hunter rocks the shakers. Good luck on Conan!
Hunter you rullleee
Damn, all the good shaker puns seem to be used up (probably some of the bad ones, too... I can't tell, I'm pun-deficient) But I'll definitely tune in to Conan to see you {insert pun here}!
shake it, sh-shake it!
wow. this is like the biggest joke on earth.
I'm going to kiss the screen.
Glad you're getting a gig on TV as a shaker.
But the real talent lies in this: Are you ambidextrous?
If you can "shake that thing" with your left hand.
Then maybe, just maybe, you can go into the Shaker Hall of Fame.
I had the same thing with tambourines, but I guess Conan O'Brien just doesn't like them. :(
However, I'm not one to dwell on things; I'm planning on pursuing a Jew's harp career instead.
i mustnt miss this
i shall which you and Conando, it will be great!
That was totally gracious of you, making sure your friends got to go too. Hope to hell I remember to watch. 300 comes out tomorrow... don't be offended if I forget, I was blinded by oiled abs.
Well, it looks like I will have a special treat on late nite TV then. It will be good to see you "shake your stuff". How odd that people would pay you to do it though.
OHHH!! Fantastic.
Tegan and Sara + You = Pure amazingness.
I missed it. But I'm sure you did a great and fantastic job! Same with Tegan and Sarah.
Whoops! Nevermind! I didn't miss it! Bahaha, I thought today was Aug 1st. I'm looking forward to it.
You're such a darling Hunter. DAHLIN' <3
It must have taken you so long to learn the shaker... how did you manage that AND bass?
O rite, ur made of win. :P
Hunter, you rocked the shakers tonight.
Well done. Got some badass closeups.
Shake them shakers.
i play the bass too and now i want to play the shaker lol
u rock man :D
I like your shaking skills! Very impressive. I think the best part was the "i'm so into it my face shows it to the extreme" look. I'm going to try that look with my flute.
Yessss, Hunter's a shaker!! I'm glad to hear of this fantastic career opportunity. Hope you're okkkkkkk Hunter; I miss AFI ):
Are you guys getting back together soon? Please tour the UK, so I can bring you vegan snacks! (:
Lots of love! xx
Made extra special sure to catch you on Conan last night. You shook those things like a man possessed! I've never seen anyone look so intense (or cool) while shaking wee shaky things.
Only you, Hunter.
You were a beast with them shakers, Hunter! Tegan & Sara sounded great.
Very nice performance.
You shook well.
You shook it like a pro. I'm proud of you. You're a role model to all of our children and aspiring shakers. Thanks to you, the world is a better place.
nice job hunter! way to shake it!
You were amazing.
I yelled, "HUNTER!!" at the screen, but I don't know if you heard me.
I SO WATCHED THAT! I went to get my camera to video tape this wonderful moment in history, but then I tripped over my blanket and nearly killed myself. After feeling stupid for a few seconds, I got up and got my camera. . .I now have about half of you shakin-like-a-mad-man on camera. The point is that I almost killed myself so I would be able to relive that moment. . .yes you are that important.
I recorded Conan, you were amazing and so were Tegan and Sara. But I think they should have shown more. By the way, that "Satan chasing his own tail" wasn't even that funny! Jeez. Less mascots, more Hunter.
whoohoo! way to shake it, hunter!
tegan and sara are great, i wish they had played two songs.
hunter!!! you rocked!!! or shooked...eh whatever....
anywho, tegan and sara looked awesome up there with our fresh-il-ishious hunter....
i make no sense
you was great :)
cool that you don't forget who was with you at begin ;)
much love ;]
Was great :)
haha, amazing.
I'll be watching.xo
I missed it.
Your definitely an interesting dood. Love it! Keep up with all these careers your one of a kind. :) Have a good one~Danielle
Hunter, you were superb.
Tegan & Sara are amazing; watching you up there shakin' with them was like heaven.
I have totally missed this show! What a bloody bummer! *hung head low and cry*
i watched. you were slick.
You're real cool.
Loved the show...They're great. Nice shakin' ^.^
Your new picture looks like you're some shifty janitor or night watchman at a museum. Kinda like a more badass version of Ben Stiller in Night at the Museum. I wish Jerry Stiller was my father.
You need to drag Davey and Jade back over to AFI. This whole Blaqk Audio thing is kind of overwhelming me, and I miss all you boys together. :( Live Earth was mah saving grace.
Plus, I think you should copyright 'Stay Fresh', if you haven't already. It'll be like Paris Hilton, only more awesome because it's not Paris Hilton.
I finally, *finally* just got to watch this! You ruled the shaker, man. That song is really great, maybe I should check out more Tegan & Sara then, huh?
You rule in all ways, Hunter. *HUG*
since when did Hunter the bloggy?!!!
well...hello from socal!
I saw this a bit too late. I would have enjoyed seeing you shake the shaker.
Hunteeeer! I think you should bring AFI to Edmonton and play an intense concert. Sound like a plan?
Haha I think so. :D :D
Are you pulling a Jade on us?
^psshtt. Damn Skippy, Snakebite99.
Don't even try to ditch us like Jade did. hmmph. At least he made up by posting like, five times.
What are YOU gonna do for us?
Здравствуй, милый! How are you?) Nice to see you here)))
hey hunter!!
when are you going to post something new? i haven't heard from you for about 2 months
i know you should be busy i understand ;)
YOU, need to update, Sir.
You're worse than Jade.
Did Hunter forget about his blog... ?? I hope he didn`t.
I know your so busy but... you know ;).
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