Monday, May 21, 2007

So many babies...

As promised, I threw a new song, "Who's Gonna Love U Now?" up on the Hunter Revenge myspace page.

This is first Hunter Revenge song released in 6 years! I hope everyone enjoys it. So many babies were not even born yet 6 years ago!

Listen to it and weep!

Then later on, just weep without listening to it.

I would have posted this much earlier in the day, but it has been one of those "everything that could go wrong" days. The Killers are playing their encore here at V-fest in Vancouver, BC, and I am enjoying some chick pea curry while I blog in the cool night air. Thank you to "Kristin" for the birthday present...I will learn how to read just so I can read the book. That is all for now. I think I will post another video soon...if my computer cooperates.

Stay Fresh,

P.S. I want to send a special thanks to my good friend Dan Kelly for helping me with the creation and maxing out of "Who's Gonna Love U Now?" as well as the many other Hunter Revenge songs over the years.


Unknown said...

The new song is great, Hunter.

We definately need another video I think.

I can't get enough of you mah dear!

Lilith said...

I just listened to the new song.
It's really great. Good job Hunter ^^


Shana said...

I love the song. Sorry about your day. I hope tomorrow things go smoothly. :)

stella said...

Aw, congrats! I must say, the release of the new song is pretty much epic. I can't believe so many years have gone by. That IS a lot of babies.

Jay said...

The new song is fantastic.

girlisgrey said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, loving it. Catchy as all hell.

Excellent work, sir.

Unknown said...

Loving the song Hunter, can't wait to hear some more new ones.

monkey said...

The new song is awesome, I really like it. We definitely need another video. <3

Sabriel said...

Sounds pretty good. Have a better day. Enjoy the book.

Charlotte said...

I love it! Still not happy about not having the first CD though... :/

Ivy L said...

woah, i was nine years old 6 years ago. o_o
lovely new song, btw <3

Unknown said...

Hope today's going better. Nothing's gone wrong today, but I'm at work and that's enough. Another video would be great! They remind me of me and my friends...

JoeMama said...

It's really amazing, Hunter! I'm rockin' out to it right now. Your voice is amazing and the production is incredible!

thetightrope said...

Loved the song, Hunter. It certainly made my lousy day yesterday a hell of a lot better.

Unknown said...

really really awesome! I've been listening to it all day!

Siobhan Gibson said...

This is good! It definitely sounds new, more developed than some of your older stuff. And it's catchy, which is an automatic win.

Nicely done.

Sarah Hobbs said...

I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your new song. It's very refreshing to listen to. I hope you're doing well and keep up the great work.

Sarah :)

KXP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KXP said...

Fantastic, Hunter. It's mega fresh. Can't wait for more! <3

Unknown said...


Cherol said...

I am jealous that you get to see the killers, but glad that you are learning how to read.
The song is great.

razzle in peace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
razzle in peace said...

I love the new song. And the "cover" art. So fresh.

This is the first chance I've had to listen to it because my yesterday was not so much one of those "everything that could go wrong" days, but more one of those "nothing but work" days. I went to my sister's graduation at Cal over the weekend and I had to leave early enough on Monday to get from the bay to Hollywood by noon. Then I was there until midnight. Thankfully, I have the day off today, and I can listen to "Who's Gonna Love U Now?" as much as I want. There are almost as many tears as there are babies

V I I said...

Do I HAVE to weep when I listen to it?
...[three minutes and ten more babies born later]...

I like it!
The beat to your songs always makes me happy and you have an awesome voice.

LAUREN said...

I think it just became my new favorite Hunter Revenge song.
it's amazing, nice work.

camilla said...

It's amazing, can't wait to hear more! And yesss, more videos please!

The Con said...


Need I say more?

Bloody Pirate said...

Hunter, this is great!! I'm really diggin' the song. Amazing job. :)

Jay said...

The song is totally awesome, and so is what you're eating. Yes. More videos indeed!

girlonthewall said...

thank you hunter!

you have contributed to the

vast amounts of music i love,

and expanded it as well....

oi vey,

have fun dearie,

and i'm awaiting your return

to AZ :]


awokennightmare said...

Beautifully Fun-tastic!!! I just got home.. I thought you were too busy yesterday to upload it. But I guess I was wrong.

I'm definately digging the tune. It brightened up my shitty day.

Thanks dahling,

This Is Eternal said...

Your new song is absolutely amazing!

PhoenixFlame said...

The new song is great, it really seems i'll sound repetitive here.
The truth is redundant anyway.

Brazil loves AFI. -> hint
Come to Brazil.



Kayleigh Puget said...

hunter, you are just too fresh. i love your songs, and afi, and everything about you!! i hope everything and everyone's ok.

stay super fresh! xx

p.s. i saw a picture of you, with a vegan muffin with a birthday candle on. i want one. send it me.
now. (:

NatalyFancyKetchupRox said...

I'm extatic to know that you are learning how to read. Good for you son. You make me proud! *tear* COFFEE!

ciel said...

Love it. Very catchy.

nineteen84 said...

Hunter Revenge songs put a happy feeling inside me.

I saw you guys play in Vancouver and took some awesome pictures of you. My favorite would have to be the one of you showing your bass who's boss with your FIST!x

miseryXchord said...

Yeah, I love the production on the new song... your vocals are coming out very spiffy :)

deleted said...

Excellent, the new song is really great!

Kayleigh Puget said...

i wept, hunter.
then i wept for your reading.
then i wept again.
like you told me to.

so proud of you XD
let's get some chat yeah?

Nickie said...

Loving the new song, cant wait to hear some more


Kristi said...

The new song sounds really good, I love the keyboard and drums the most.

xliz said...

It is a wonderful song Hunter!

i really enjoyed it! and the video too :)

Anonymous said...

So, a few days later now and I'm loving it even more. You're rocking an old school vibe in there that I've been craving of late. Lots of Prince tracks being spun, wish I had your new disc to go with it.

Haras said...

This was well worth the wait, brother. Who's Gonna Love u Now? is really really sweet. I can't wait to hear more :D

awokennightmare said...

будет шедевром
(It will be the masterpiece)


Meg [DF] said...

I am lovin the new song.
I can't stop listening.
I am Weeping. I also love the little graphic you got goin on there.


janicethemenace said...

Lovely new song! Vancouver show was well worth the trip. Spent the day on the barricade, met some sweet youngsters seeing you for the 1st time... so excited. Hope you all are enjoying time off... an opportunity to add to new tune collection?

So. Fee. Uh. said...

Chick pea curry and new song! Good stuff.

morningstar said...

i must say hunter, that new song is excellent at cheering me up

nice job luv :D

Anonymous said...

Hey Hunter :] Great song - especially to blast in the car. Are you ever going to post lyrics so we can all jam correctly or would you rather us just wing it on some of the parts?

Kayleigh Puget said...

hunter, i command you to post another entry on here! i am actually weeping tears of boredom and loneliness (see my journal) and this has been the worst holiday ever.
please please post something to make me smile!!! love you! xx

Kristi said...

I really, really like the new song. I like it even more every time I listen to it. I can't get it out of my head.

deleted said...

The new song is totally righteous. And I hope that since you posted that you had better days. :]