Somehow I found myself with more blogs than I can hold in one hand (assuming that it takes an average of one finger to hold a blog.) As long as I can figure out what to write in each blog, I'll be just fine. Perhaps I will only ever need to write about my other blogs. Anyhow, the blog in particular that I'm blogging about right now is on the new Macbeth website, which looks fucking amazing, in my humble opinion. Since Tranquil Mammoth is supposed to be my end-all-be-all blog, it would be inconsiderate to leave you without a sample of what's going on in the Macbeth blog (since some of you probably are unable to click over there and see for yourselves.) So, here you go:

That is awesome!
Hunter Burgan, you are my hero.
Where are the other blogs?
Hahaha. Very niiiiice.
Seriously, this just made my day. I left my unrivaled gratitude on the Macbeth page too, just so you could grasp the full effect of my gratitude.
I still don't know what a blog is. But if it's anything like your photo titles 'blog', I'm intrigued. Intrigued.
I just posted on your myspace blog too. Also, I've now been 18 for 2 minutes. Wooo.
Ahaha. You are amazing.
On my desk callendar today (it's more of a parody one) it had a sign saying pointing down to a basment saying "meet the blogger 10-5"
And that's random.
hahaha love the shots!!!!
Your photos make me laugh. Does your face happen to be elastic?
your facial expressions are fantastic.
Before I went to Whole Foods today!
We have one here in Columbus, but it's on the other side of town and thus I hardly ever go
That is brilliant. I love the last picture.
You should amuse little children (like me) as a job. Yup. <3
kool dood!!!!!
So should I go to your blog? :]
You are so strange. And I love you dearly for it!
I was inspired.
Hunturrr -- Okay, but it would be more helpful if you actually provided a link to the blog.. ;)
Buuni -- Holy awesomeness.
Well aren't you just a hardcore blogger.
You've got some major blogging skills.
Is there anything you can't do?
Hunter, you are the coolest guy ever, for sure. Those snapshots of yourself are fantastic.
I wrote an unnecessarily long blog today. Anything to avoid writing essays...
jejje im gonna see the new macbeht site...!
As far back as I can remember, I've always disliked the word blog.
Wow. That was hard to read.
Your chin looks wrinkly.
Nice links, man. In the future, do you think blogs WILL be kept on one's fingers? Perhaps!
Coolness. Glad your kinda keeping up with this blog :]
haha love the emotion pics
The fingers link is still making me laugh.
You for cerial have the best sense of humour.
I think you should blog about how you have too much time on your hands.
Love and kisses!
I am going to have to for once agree with my comrade Toby on this one.
Hunter, I just wanto to say thanksx1000000 for your blogs because you make me laugh and think (english is not my 1 lenguaje) and I feel you are not so far away xoxo
btw, I loved your snap shots ;)
I'm so busyy....
buy im here...
wow i love blogs..!
especialy yours...!
hugs ..
hah that pic of him looks funny when i saw it i laughed and said yep thats hunter!
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