My dear readers, I sincerely apologize for taking so long between blog entries. With the current state of the
economy, I know you guys and gals get enraged very easily and need the constant distraction that
Tranquil Mammoth provides. I won't let it happen again. I've had some problems with my internet service here in
Mammothland (that's where Tranq lives) and decided to finally give in and upgrade to the
2400 baud modem. Isn't she a beauty?

In other news, it was a
Canadian "long weekend." I had the distinct honor of playing shakers with
Tegan and Sara at three of their concerts in Los Angeles, California. They are such a great band. If for some reason you don't already own all of their albums, I suggest you stop reading right now and go purchase them! My pal
Matt Sharp (of
weezer and
Rentals fame) joined me on the tambourine. I found a shaky (no pun intended) version of it on youtube, but the audio is horrible, so don't feel obligated to click
here. It reminded me of one of those family bands, or perhaps an all-star
variety show from the 1970s. Anyhow, it was a really fun weekend and I'd like to say hello to all the people that I talked to at the shows. Hello!

On a side note, I literally
almost had to shave Canadian
Kid In The Hall,
Kevin McDonald's back in front of a few hundred people on Saturday. Weird. Weird that I'm not making this up, because that seems like something I would make up (c'mon...
Bea Arthur!?), but it's 100%
If you're like me and you haven't already figured out what you're going to be for Halloween, now is the time to get on it! We have ten days to scrape something together! If anyone has any good ideas, let me know in the comments. When you leave it up to the last minute, you end dressing like WHAM! era
George Michael, or
Andrew W.K..
I'm out like a
trout, but before I go, I'd like to send a shout out to Freaky-B, Fuzz Fuzz, Lil' Ridiculous,
Klerpy, Lo-Blud Suge, Sh'shaun Sean,
Ol' Baby, Turkey Vultch, Clawsy, and Michael