Friday, March 20, 2009

Question Authority

It's question time again!

Ok...last time I asked you to make up "How do I _____?" questions knowing very well that I would not be answering them. I received many great questions and the "something" that I'm working on is a little bit better now because of your questions. Thank you! I feel a little guilty though. Although I specifically stated that I would not be answering your questions, I still feel like you, dear readers, deserve to have a few questions answered. So...

This time around I want to answer some of your questions!

Here are my conditions:
1. Only one question per person, so choose wisely. Don't ask something that has already been asked.
2. You must submit your question as a comment to this blog entry between 12pm PT and 6pm PT on Friday, March 20, 2009. Questions posted before noon or after six pm pacific time today will not be considered. No exceptions. I'm sorry if you miss the window.
3. I will try to answer as many questions as possible, but I reserve the right to not answer questions that I feel are inappropriate. I might not know the answer to some questions, and other I might not legally or morally be able to answer, so once again, choose wisely.
4. Be creative. I am more likely to pick fun, smart, unique questions.
5. I might just not pick your question for no reason. Don't cry if your question gets overlooked. I'd like to keep this fun and hopefully we can do this more often.
6. Much of the information relating to the upcoming AFI album is either a secret or just simply unknown. Please understand and respect this when composing your question. The same applies to the moon.
7. I will not answer questions from "Anonymous". Since all "Anonymous" comments look like they're coming from the same user, I have no way of know if they are coming from unique people or not. So...DON'T anonymously ask your question.

Oh did I mention?
I'm going to answer these via video!
Now go out there and fight!!


  1. Isn't it hard to play bass, singing and spinning around at the same time on concerts, and do you guys come to Sweden and do a concert with Crash Love?

    I mean, it's looks so hard to do, what do you think?

    // Sally, Sweden

  2. Did you take piano lessons/music lessons as a kid?

  3. Do you have a personal music listening device? If so, do you have all of the AFI songs on there?
    Even the unreleased ones?

  4. Pssst @ all, you're a little early, I think.

    Pacific Time:

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What is the meaning of life?

  7. Do you feeling any resentment or straight off disliking towards people who are not vegan?

  8. crash love will you sing more in Spanish ,how love like winter that say "por siempre" ?
    come to argentina¡¡

  9. will you play in Ireland with AFI or another other musical incarnation, such as Hunter Revenge on your next tour?

    thank you muchly! *hug*

    i'm off to get ready to battle taxi driver protests tomorrow, i bid you good evening! :)

  10. Stereotypical desert island question...

    You're stranded on a desert island, you can have 3 CDs. What would they be?

  11. You designed a thunderously cool shoe for humans.

    What animal would you like to design a shoe for (let's just assume that nature didn't outfit that species quite right) and why?

  12. First question in time:

    Will we see old songs on the Crash Love tour? (like Love is a Many Splendored Thing)

    I would definitely love to see a balance between the records and see more older songs live!

  13. I noticed your buzznet page states you don't drink or smoke. Is this something you decided later in life or have you always avoided these activities?

  14. If you were free of any consequences and problems, what wild and outrageous tattoo would you get and why?

  15. Will you play in Germany with the new album?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Do you ever get annoyed by your following of teenage fans? Being older and out of that stage of life does it bother you to have the following of impressionable youth that tend towards drama and depression and rely on your music, and you through it, to 'keep them alive'. AFI is such an idol to the masses, do you ever get sick of it?

  18. What would your ideal girl be (looks, personality, etc.) and what would happen if you found your ideal girl but she turned out to be a meat-eater?? ~~dun dun dun~~ >:-O

  19. I'm watching Law and Order right now, and I have House in my DVD player, so, I'd like to ask what your favorite tv show is, and whats in YOUR dvd player?

  20. When you were young did you always want to be in a band.

  21. If you could travel to any period in time and meet any famous person, who would it be and why?

  22. What's the last band you've come across that you really liked?

  23. Quite many rules you have there, sir!

    Ok, here's my question:

    Would you like Richard Dean Anderson to play leading role in the upcoming MacGyver movie? He's now a lot older but I couldn't imagine anyone else than him as Angus MacGyver. He's my childhood hero! If you have any other actor suggestions for this role, feel free to share your thoughts!

    And thanks for this Q's thing, it is very nice of you to do. Have a good day! :)

  24. You win five million dollars from Publishers Sweepstakes, but on the same day what's-his-face gives you the check, aliens land on earth and say they're going to blow up the world in two days.

    What would you do?

  25. Hey, Hunter! It's awesome from you to do this, so lots of love for you!

    Okay, a question:

    Have you ever gone to amusement parks like Disneyland/disneworld?
    If not,

    Favorite Disney character?

    I've been around kids too much lately...

    Anyway, thanks ahead if you read this, lots of mexican love, hugs, and guacamole for you!


  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. If you weren't a bass player what do you think you would be doing for a living?

  28. this is awesome that you're doing this!
    alright so, I am really into the tv show Ghost Hunters;
    what is your opinion on the paranormal?

  29. I need some new tea/coffee/drink suggesstions. Got any?

  30. Awesome! I was hoping you might do something like this, especially since Jade is doing something similar on his blog. Thank you so much!

    My question: What do you like most about each member of AFI as a person, and what do you like most about each member as a musical artist?

    I phrased my question as "each member of AFI" instead of "each of your bandmates" so you can talk about yourself as well. You guys all seem like such interesting and unique individuals, and you each bring something different to AFI. From talking with fellow fans, I know what people admire about each of you, both as people and as musicians, but I'm curious about what YOU think.

    Thanks again!

  31. Oh, this is so fanstasmic. I love you. I truly do. Here's my question!

    What is your most favorite book ever?

  32. How many different instruments can you play?

    i think you answered that somewhere so ill ask 2 questions
    how do i get a boyfriend?

  33. If you were to record a hit Spanish love song, or Spanglish, if you prefer, what would it be called?

  34. How fun!

    If you were stuck with a boring office job (like me) staring at a computer all day, how would you amuse yourself throughout the day??

  35. what is your favorite song and artist of the moment? I'm in dire need of new music as well... which was why i couldn't give suggestions on twitter last night... I need them too.

    even jimmy cliff is getting old. sad ;)


  36. This is soo cool of you, to do this. :)

    So, here's my question:
    When you became vegan, what was the [least] worse thing to abbandon?


  37. So. Hunter.

    If you could/had to change your name, what would you change it to?

    It's awesome that both you and Jade are answering questions on your blog!
    <3 Hannah

  38. are you blogsessed?

  39. Can I ask what was/is that "something" that you were/are working on? I can't imagine what for someone would need these mysterious "How do I..." questions! =)


  40. Would it be awesome if a chain of vegan fast food restaurants opened nationwide?

  41. What do you know about my country (Lithuania)?

  42. Do you have any suggestions for the best places to go on a road trip? My friends and I are dying to take one when we're not broke.

  43. When were Jack the Ripper, On the Arrow, & Don't Change recorded? Were they with the Decemberunderground sessions? Are they demos? Please be specific, thanks!

  44. Hey!

    If you were caught in a freak time machine accident, which you[s] from your past would you like to hang out with and what would you guys do / talk about?

    Stay awesome!

  45. What is one thing that you think everyone in the world should know?

    ps...I thought I might make it clear that I do have a blog or a google account so I don't know what the title on this comment will say. Hopefully not anonymous. ;( <- (jaws face)

  46. If you could ask yourself a question, what would it be?

  47. Do you read the entertainment community OhNoTheyDidn't and if you do (or don't), would you give a shout out? You have a great handful of devout A.F.I. and Hunter Revenge fans there that appreciate you. ;)

  48. Do you have an mp3 player? How many songs are on there?

  49. I deleted my first comment because it seemed like a really loaded question (it wasn't, FTR.)And now I can't come up with one that's not either assy or loaded or just plain terrible.


    I just wanted to say something because I love the sound of my own voice. By which, of course, I mean the sound of my own typing.

  50. Hey Hunter, do you ever go to small shows for small bands?

  51. I ment to say I did not have a google account or blog. Fail. At least now I know it does not say anonymous!

  52. Do you own any pets or want to?

    Daphne :)

  53. Seriously; Hunter any thoughts of creatN Ur very own comic book?

  54. You're stuck on an island with three different people, and you only have five personal items with you. Who and what would you have with you on the island and why?

    Much love, and thanks for answering these!!!

  55. Where did you come up with the awesome name "Tranquil Mammoth" ???

    Much love and respect,

  56. If you could have an animal tail, which would you choose and why?

    (this is for animals living and/or extinct.)

    For example, mine would be stegosaurus.. so I could pop large amounts of balloons really easily.

  57. If you could live in any Dr.Seuss book, which one would it be?

  58. Was this time limit set because of you knowing that you're going to wake up no earlier than 12 pm? ;)

  59. do you think president obama listens to AFI, or at least do you think he could be a potential listener?

    take care.
    see ya in italy, hopefully soon.

  60. What is the best theme party you have ever been to?

  61. What's your favorite color?

  62. What's your nationality?

  63. As The Vegan Ambassador, if one were to open a restaurant named "The Vegan Ambassador", what would you have in the menu?

    -Sabeen (asphyxiation77)

  64. If you were a spy which kind of costume would you use? It's very important for me to know it ;)

  65. If I remember correctly, Smith had mentioned to me that you're a very talented saxophonist...

    -How long have you been playing, do you still play, will we ever hear you play?

    I hope that counts as one question.


  66. Life isn't limitless, how do you reconcile this to your beliefs?

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Dear Hunter Burgan,
    What are your 3 favorite hardcore bands and what release would you suggest to listen to first by each artist?
    Your friend Zack

  69. hai! i'm in dire need of good music, what would you say your favorite band of all time is?

  70. Are they any pre-Decemberunderground (pre- Sing the sorrow even) tracks waiting in the vault that may see the light of day at any point? Besides the EP you guys almost put out, that is

  71. So lets get hypothetical.

    Lets say that I happened to own this awesome burrito factory. Where I serve vegan burrito's only. Every vegan burrito you can imagine. I also serve coffee there.

    Would you be my friend on those terms, even though you knew absolutely nothing about me?

    Oh, and pet mammoths are allowed there too. But they have to stay outside.

  72. What's the hardest part about touring with AFI, or any tour in general?

  73. What is your Favorite thing to do besides blogging, playing bass, touring, sleeping, eating, and playing piano?

  74. Next month will be my one year anniversary of going vegetarian and in honor of it I'm going to post a blog series touching on different aspects of vegetarianism. (So if you answer this I will definitely quote you! Lol. So much exposure I know.) The point of my blogs will mainly be to inform my friends about vegetarianism. Going veg was something I'd wanted to do for years but it wasn't until I lived with a vegetarian, saw what they ate, and became informed on all the issues of why a vegetarian diet is so positive, that I finally saw what a great diet choice it really is and had to go vegetarian!

    Ok so with that, here is my question: Think back to when you first went vegetarian, (before you went vegan) who in your life helped you to become informed and really influenced you to go vegetarian??

    Thanks Hunter!

  75. What is your favorite kind of shark?

    Mine's a megalodon cause they were badass and HUGE!! too bad they dont exist anymore =(

  76. What is your favorite kind of shark?

    Mine's a Megalodon because they were badass and HUGE!! Too bad they don't exist anymore =(

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Fellow pianist here. :D

    How long have you been playing, who's your favorite composer, and did you teach yourself how to play or did you have a teacher?

  79. Fish as pets: yea or nay?

    My sister finds them boring, I find them awesome.

  80. What was your first kiss like?

  81. Anyone ever tell you that you look like Jeff from Minor Threat (besides me just now)?

  82. Dear Hunter, who would you prefer to rock out with, Clinton or Obama?

    Rock on

  83. This is cool, Hunter.

    I'm very nostalgic, and I love shows like Family Guy and Robot Chicken because they frequently make references to things I've watched or loved growing up and that makes me ridiculously giddy.

    What, if anything, makes you giddy with nostalgia?

  84. If you could relive any one day in your life, what day would it be and why?

  85. Hunter, what do you plan to do about our impending doom?

  86. Dear Hunter,

    What would you do if you had octuplets: cry, go into hiding, get your own show on TLC, other?

  87. What do you think of the movie Clueless, seriously? I used to think it was just another "chick flick" but the more I watch it I realize this movie is much deeper than I thought. It's also full of amazing quotes. I think I'm going to go watch it right now.

  88. Know any vegan/veggie home remedies to get over the flu fast, good sir?

    (I'd ask you a better question, but I am at a loss for words. And ideas...)

  89. Hey there ^^
    Okay, so we all know that Jade prefers ninjas, and Adam prefers pirates. How about you? Ninjas or pirates?
    ~New Zealand loveee!
    PS. You guys should come to NZ. There's even a vegan cafe in Dunedin! :D

  90. So, I was always wondering, how you exactly met guys from AFI?

  91. Who do you think would win in a physical fight and who would win a psychological fight, you, Davey, Adam, Jade, Fritch, or Smith?

  92. Are there any songs that other people made that you wish you wrote?

  93. Do you remember your first show when you started playing with AFI?

  94. This is such an awesome thing for you to do, Hunter, thank you.

    My question, if you could live as another person for the day (a real person or a character from a book or movie), who would you be? Personally I'd like to live a day in the life of Abraham Lincoln, just not the day that he was shot by John Wilkes Booth.

  95. I was wondering, what advice would you give to an aspiring musician?
    (I am in high school currently and am.. well, an aspiring musician, as stated before.)

  96. This is a long running question going around my school. Who would win a fight, a shark or a bear?

  97. What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

  98. If you could choose any fictional society to live in, what would it be and why?
    I would probably choose the world in Extras by Scott Westerfeld because of all the sweet technology.

  99. what is the craziest dream you've ever had?

  100. What's your favorite songs from the 1990's?

  101. Are you a jealous person in relationships, why or why not?


  102. What is your favorite video game? Perhaps the one with the best memories tied to it.

  103. Let's say you were given the opportunity of creating a one-night concert of any bands past, present or future [if you want to get creative]. Who would be the opening band, and who would you choose as the headliner?

  104. I asked this on Ask AFI but didn't get an answer... :P

    How old were you when you first heard, saw, picked up a bass, and what influenced you to learn how to play such an awesome instrument?

  105. When on tour with AFI you usually stay on the road for quite a long time, and you play in loads of cities.

    My question is, do you remember each and every one of the show you've played on a tour right after you've gotten back home, or does something special have to happen at a show for you to remember a certain show?

    (For example, the audience singing "Happy Birthday", two days early, to you at the last show of AFI's European tour in Stockholm, Sweden on May 12th 2007.)

  106. Scenario: You are Super Hunter and you are fighting an evil overlord aptly named "Evil Overlord." You are on the edge of the Empire State Biulding. In one hand he holds Munch, your bandmates beloved chihuahua. In the other hand he holds your other band mate's eyelashes. In his THIRD HAND he holds yet another one of your bandmate's favorite drumsticks. And, In his nose-hand (or hand nose) he holds...PRINCE! By which I do indeed mean the singer.

    What do you do?

  107. The Music you guys play, do you acctually enjoy your music or do you do it because you HAVE to?
    If you do want to answer that one can you answer this one:
    If there is triangluar, rectangular, and circular, why isnt there squarualer? ive asked that to every single teacher i know and have never gotten one response! so mabey youll be luck number 5,983!

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. I have found that every 5 years or so my perspective on life changes in a significant way.

    If you could give three pieces of advice to your 15 year old self, what would you focus on?

  110. Do you guys like to hang out with your fans or do you just do it becasue you paid to do it?

  111. Have you ever watched the show Family guy, if so what are you thoughts on it? If Not Would you watch it for me?

  112. You’re walking along train tracks with your dog and you hear a train approaching. Nearby is a guy jogging down the tracks with his mp3 player turned up so loud that he can’t hear anything. Your dog gets away from you and gets his leash caught in the tracks. You see a train rapidly approaching, the guy doesn’t hear it and you can’t save both the guy and the dog. Who do you save?

  113. Dear Hunter, I Have a band and I wirter the lyrics and sing, and I was wondering if I sent you the lyrics for my fav song of our would you have Dave sing it for me on the album or even at a consert?
    Much luv,

  114. others have asked about your fave tv, and my question has two parts.

    Do you have a favorite play? If so, What is it?

  115. Hello Hunter.

    Do you think mustard would be able to win in a fight against ketchup?

  116. This has always puzzled me, and I failed when I tryed. So...
    How does one scramble tofu?

  117. What was your least favorite class in high school and why?

  118. Do you use any stompboxes or rack effects on the albums/live? I guess I'm asking for a quick runthrough of your rig or just maybe your favorite pedals. =)

  119. Can you make ice cream? Haha just kidding.

    My friends and I always say that we were born in the wrong time period. If you could live in any other decade, what would it be?

    (p.s. 1920's for the win, without the alcohol)

  120. If you were a dinosaur, which one would you be?

  121. Thanks for checking out my bass covers and the remix of Girl's Not Grey I did. I really appreciate it.

    Do you plan to visit Newcastle (UK) again? It was fantastic.

  122. Hunter,

    What was your oddest occasion of ever being recognized by a stranger?


    <3 Alex Lee

  123. If you're familiar with "The Iron Chef" on The Food Nerwork . . . let's pretend you've been invited to participate as a "celebrity chef". What secret ingredient would you be wishing for (you'd get your wish!) and what 4-5 dishes would you prepare with said ingredient?
    Any particular chef you'd care to square off against?


  125. Have you ever met Jade's Basement Horse and will he be coming on tour with you guys?
    ... cause that would be just awesome.

  126. Hunter, if u ever had 2 design a house how would it look like?theme, colors, size etc

  127. How do I teach my kitten to tango? Or at least waltz?

  128. In your honest opinion, what is the greatest movie of all time and why? :]

  129. Are you bilingual?
    If not, which language would you most like to learn?

  130. hey hunter,

    in consideration of the vegan/lactose intolerant community, do you think they should have made a vegan alternative to the movie 'milk'?
    could you perhaps suggest a name for said film?

  131. Should I work a shitty job and pay rent and eat, or quit and force myself to find a more creative way of making money for rent and food?

  132. Oh how I love bizarre scenario questions.

    Say you have just begun to climb Mt. Everest for the third time. Your wonderful sherpa, Hanuman, has been with you on your past two climbs, you have recently discovered how to combine small amounts of powdered coffee beans and permafrost to make instant coffee, and you are wearing incredibly comfortable vegan footwear. Needless to say, all is going well. You have just left base camp at approximately 17,000 feet, and just as you turn the corner, a giant snow beast leaps up from a crack in the ground. As you see your life flash before your eyes, you and Hanuman are picked up by a large bird of prey and placed a safe distance from the now angry snow beast. How do you feel and/or what happens next?

    P.S. Hanuman means the monkey god of Ramayana in Nepalese, just in case that plays a part in your answer.

  133. What do you think about the December 21st, 2012 conspiracy?

    If you believe it, what do you plan on doing when the date arrives?

  134. uhmm i'm not exactly sure what the "Milk" question was about.

    a vegan alternative?


    do they even know what that movie was about...?

  135. Sweet, I had to work.

  136. Hey! This is going to seem like product placement, but it's not, I just wanna see what you think of one of my favorite bands.

    I dunno, you might have heard of them, but there's their site if you haven't.

    This is cool of you to answer fans questions, btw, and by video? Excellente.

    Hope all is well xx

  137. I just want to ask you about your burritos. What's in it?
    What do you like to eat to them?


  138. Last month Via Twitter I asked you what your thoughts were on the band flogging molly. It was not answered but thats cool I could barely Fit the question in twitters restricted character box. Let alone you try to answer it.

    So here is my Question:

    What is your thought about Flogging Molly. Since they and there fan base is primarily geared toward drinking. I have been to three flogging molly shows and myself as a non drinker a go just because of the great music and complete honesty of it all. But, I would just like the perspective of someone like you.

    I thank im passed the deadline. But, I sure would appreciate it Hunter.

    oh ya, hope the mac is working for ya :D

    Staying Fresh,


  139. If you could have superpowers, what would they be? (Or if you already do have them, what are they?)

  140. If you were to describe your orgasms personality in one word, what would it be?plea
