Friday, March 27, 2009

Hunter Burgan Q&A part 1 (of 7)

I now present you with the first Q&A* vlog. I looked over every single question that you submitted (except the ones that violated the rules) and I answered as many as I could. Suddenly I found myself with over an hour of video to edit! So, rather than cheat you out of content, I decided to cut the Q&A* into seven parts. I will upload a new part every few days, so check back often! I dare you to watch the video in high greatly improves the viewing experience.

Thank you for the questions. I hope you enjoy the answers!


*Quotes and Articulations? Quivers and Arrows? Quick and Agile? Quack and Arf?


  1. Just watched in HD and with Bose speakers. It was a great experience.

  2. While I am very happy you decided to be in a band, I can't deny that a plumbgician who invents pump horseshoes could be equally as awesome!

  3. Looved it!!

    Great music. A cute Tabby mug. You're funny.

  4. That video was totally Tundra :)

  5. Oh Hunter!
    The end is so Epic.
    I'm still laughing.

  6. It is even better the whole thing comes in seven much better. Something to look forward to!

    I loved your/computer's voice when asking the questions.
    I loved your voice during "..rock'n roll band", that sexy deep voice.
    I loved your different facial expressions. You're very entertaining.
    The answers were hilarious!
    The ending was awesome. Croak!


  7. Watching that was the highlight of my evening. You never fail to crack me up!

  8. That was dandy Hunter!! also we love that you love your fans and love to entertain!! Love you :)

  9. TABBEH was the best part of the video. Even better than when you answered my question. I can't stop laughing. And you're right: everybody likes dinner. Very good point.

    P.S. I watched it in normal quality, then high quality, and I will never go back to normal quality again. It was famazing. See? I can combine words too! Plumgician is just as cool as famazing, right? Right. I thought so.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Very intertaining (get it? like entertaing on the internets? IM CLEVER)

    Hopefully I get to actually meet you on the next AFI tour, somehow last time you were the only one who didn't come out. They said you went straight to bed. I don't blame you man, next time though!

    Remember not to go straight to bed next time you play portland, or else everyone who comes to my house will think AFI is a trio! =p

  12. Apparently I am SO clever that it impairs my ability to spell.


  13. haha loved it! thank you! :)

  14. To combine your career choices into one mighty, all-consuming Godzilla of a career: a blumgician. Bassist+plumber+magician=future president of the US of A.

    Consider it, man, consider it.

    PS: Being in a jazz band isn't what it's cracked up to be.

  15. Hunter Burgan, you're awesome!

    This video made my evening. I probably should go to bed now, for I over-laughed on the "she would be female" XD

    And I must say that the "I probably would have to kill her" is a little creepy hehe ;)

    Looking forward to your next vlogs!

  16. this video totally made my day. i'm still trying to figure out how you manage to be so amazing. =]

  17. haha. that rocked.

    I laughed my arse off throughout that entire thing. My family probably thinks i'm

  18. Loved part ichi. Looking forward to parts ni thruough nana!

  19. if i still had a horse i would definitely consider buying your reebok pump horse shoes.

    also, your answer to the ideal girl question was hilarious. especially the last part.

  20. Your face looks so sweet and adorable at the very end of the vlog. Pure happiness.

    That fake leather jacket rocks on you!

    Although I enjoy your humor tremendously, it wuold be sometimes nice to hear some a bit more serious answers.

    One more thing, I like the way you articulate and speek clearly. Unlike Jade who sounds like a lazy speaker, mumbler, a word-swallower sometimes. Your pronunciation is honey to my ears.

  21. That was boss, Hunter.
    Maybe you could get Marvin Gaye's knit cap for me, if you do go back in time. That'd also be boss.

    Can't wait for the next ones.


    Everybody does like dinner!

  23. Still loading (40kbs internet; die plz!)but from what I've seen, amazing.

    Thank You Hunter for taking the time to do this, you are wonderful!
    Take care xxx

  24. You're one cool person for being able to care about animals and life as much as you do and then your fans as well. You keep us entertained for sure. I hope that you find us a little bit entertaining as well.

    Awaiting the rest of the Arfs!

  25. You know what?

    "Late Night With Hunter Burgan"

    I can see it happening!

  26. A plumbgician? Now that's just genius.

    And you're right; everybody likes dinner. I for one looooove dinner. It's my favorite meal of the day. ;D

  27. If my plumbing ever malfunctions and I'm bored, you're coming to fix it and do some magic tricks. You're awesome, Hunter.

  28. That's so cool. I couldn't stop laughing for like 10 minutes or so. ♥

  29. If you could unstick the cemented crap-bubble from the u-bend, I would think it was magic.

    Also, my captcha: Jownni
    I know her. She lives in Long Island.

  30. Now you know what happens when you wish for an ideal girl with an ability to fly - They fly away with their Buk books!

  31. I do my own taxes, so heeeeeey ;)

  32. HAHAHAHA I LOVE YOU!! <3 >.<

  33. hahaha this is my favorite I love when u say that if your ideal girl was a meat eater you would have to KILL HER! wow hahaha.............thank god I am not a meat eater...OOPPS! hahaha ;) kisses Hunter.

  34. On the subject of crazy tattoos, when I went to get my first one done one of the employees was telling us about a guy who got Ringo Starr's head on the body of a panther.
