Monday, March 15, 2010

New York City! Opera! Vocal Outtakes!

Guess what! If I get this job, I will be moving to New York City!! That's right, the Big Apple! Home of the Yankees, the Mets and the New Yorker! "How did this happen??" you ask? Well, let me tell you. While browsing some of the websites I regularly peruse, I came across this employment opportunity. These are the highlights, for those of you who hate clicking on links:
Announces the following vacancies:
SOPRANO (No Mezzo-Sopranos)
Resume deadline Midnight [EST] on March 30th, 2010.
Auditions to begin April 1st, 2010 until positions are filled

What luck! I'm the person they're looking for! I have the vocal range of a bass but sing more comfortably in a baritonal tessitura. Some would call me a bass-baritone. As a bass-baritone, the operatic roles I am suited for include Méphistophélès from Faust by Charles Gounod, Don Giovanni from Don Giovanni by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Figaro from The Marriage of Figaro, also by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
I think the Metropolitan Opera will find this video to be an adequate audition. If they need me to drop in on April 1st to seal the deal, I can certainly repeat this performance. Although I generally reserve that day for more foolish behavior, I suppose I can get serious for a brief demonstration of my vocal prowess. I hope the job pays well. I hear those lofts in Manhattan can get pretty pricey!

Back up plan: cast member on Saturday Night Live


  1. BRAVO!

    But can you speak Italian?

  2. SNL player? that sounds like a job anyone would want. Good luck at the auditions!

  3. 4.34-5.00 is my favourite part! XD

    Wish the choir in my school did these warm-ups, it'd be hella fun :)

    stheriault wants you to speak italian, but I'd like to see the noble language of Pig Latin myself :)

    More videos man! This made my day! ^^

  4. I couldn't watch the whole thing, I was laughing too hard. Please do this at future AFI shows. You can be their opening act :)

  5. I just had to play the video of you singing to my mam, she now wonders what bands I listen and questions my sanity. It's gravy though!

    I miss the insane blogs! Twitter gets boring.

  6. cool! but.. shouldn't you be across europe in april? :P

  7. I don't know about SNL, but I'd go for the Opera position

  8. I don't know what to say.

    I'll repeat myself.


  9. We do need to talk about your outfit for the SNL audition. I just read the FAQs and they say:

    "Showing up at NBC in a tight skirt won’t help. Especially if you’re a guy."

    Good luck on both jobs =]

  10. If SNL has not hired you already they should fire the guy that hires people...then hire you. (psh, I don't care about the contradiction there!)

  11. oh, i do hope you get the job. it will force me to go to the opera where i will finally get some "culture"!


  12. Hey, if you catch Davey doing something like that, could you post it? I know Jade wouldn't be singing the warm ups you have, but....

    Wait, would Davey be mad at you or laughing? Or would he be laughing but ready to kill you?! The World May Never Know!

    Good Luck at the auditions! Take a video for us!

    We Love you Hunter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Hahaha this is possibly the best thing ever. Have to acknowledge the difficulty of singing "clothes" over and over. Though that may fall short in comparison to "garbanzo bean" hahaha. And, of course, the sadness that comes when tea runs out.

    Absolutely love you, no joke. Haha.

  14. Opera orchestra at my school, which I was in, did alot of those vocal pieces- but in orchestral form. Very orchestrally. Look forward to seeing you there. I <3 New York City.
    I'd envy you, but I'ma be on The Next Star!!!!

  15. This has really cheered me up! I was so bored right until now! Haha! So very funny!

    You're such a winner! :)
