Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hunter Burgan Q&A part 3 (of 7)

I now present you with the third installment of my Q&A* vlogs. Has anyone noticed that they keep getting longer? Am I losing anyone here? I can always edit them down a bit. Let me know. I hope everyone is thoroughly entertained by these. Remember, these are your questions...I merely attempted to answer them. AFI is really hitting it hard in the studio right now, trying to get our record done, so you'll have to excuse my lack of writing/blogging. Just in case no one told you (although I doubt this is the case), you are invited and encouraged to follow me on Twitter. That's where I do the majority of my pointless, random, self-aggrandizing, laconic rambling.

Three things I want you to do:
1. As always, watch this video in High Quality. I shot and edited it in High Quality, so why would you want to see a different version of lesser quality? It just doesn't make sense.
2. Subscribe to my youtube channel. I might not always post every video on my blog or even tweet about it. If you want first dibs on watching my videos, subscribe.
3. Tell your friends about my youtube channel and of course, Tranquil Mammoth. The more people that read, watch, and enjoy what I do, the more I am incentivized to continue to do this stuff. I'm not sure why this is, but I'm sure it has to do with megalomania or egotism. Either way, we both win!

*Quips and Absurdities


  1. OH NO YOU DIDN'T. Haha, that was hella awesome. Can't wait for the next part! You should do these Q&As again next time.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Loved it, H! Intelligence and creativity is Such a turn~on! (especially @ 7 am in the morning) <3 L.

  5. Wow. The plumbgician pimped that house to the maximum!

  6. I like the fact that you have a tweeter and a blogspot and make videos.

    It makes me feel like I can relate to you like we really have a connection.

    I don't know if my wife will approve though :(

  7. Length of the videos are fine. I really enjoy them....a lot.

  8. cool idea for a tail! :)

    i'm irish, but i have english heritage too! woop! go us! :P

    um, i live in europe, but ireland is an island so i think i'll take a boat trip instead of a road trip! no swimming because i can't so i'll drown! LOL! ;)

  9. YEEESSS!!!!! The fact that you answered my question makes me happy.

    Your three other people, and your fiver personal items were awesome. Very well picked!!! :D <3

  10. Hunter, you have inspired me to get my own YouTube account so I can subscribe to your channel. I shall name my account TurbulentPachyderm, or Tupac for short. Or maybe I will call it ShakyUr-elephant (a.k.a. Shakur for short). Better yet, I’ll just be TupacShakur. Do you think that will work?

  11. Hah that was cool!
    I know that you should have burritos in your resturant, haha! :D

    I have done all the three things :)

  12. You know what's amazing? Waking up in the morning and seeing another one of your Q&A videos uploaded. 'Cause you see, I'm sick, and this makes my day brighter from the very beginning.

    I really enjoyed the OhNoTheyDidn't shout out. It is clear to me that you put all your effort into that.

    But I must say that the ankylasaurus was my favorite part. Because when the apocalypse does come, we will call upon AnkylaHunter to save the day. True story.

  13. Taken a road trip to Mt. Rushmore before! It's not really all it's cracked up to be, I suggest Wall's in one of the Dakota's.

    Heck yes, You need a doctor on the island. But I'm thinking that free Wi-Fi is more important...if you were stranded couldn't you email someone??

    The video's are great! They're not too long or anything either, you taking the time to do this for all of us is freakin' awesome! Can't wait for the next one!

  14. Don't make shorter video's if anything you can make them longer! lol
    I have been to MT. Rushmore... it's smaller than I thought it would be, but still very cool!

  15. Wow, that's so cool, once again. I guess it's good practice for my abdominails, huh?!

    1. sure I watched it in High Quality though I don't see a lot of difference. ôO
    2. I'm not on youtube, but I might sign up there, so I can subscribe to your youtube channel.
    3. I'm already doing so, like every time you blog. :)

  16. Oh, and don't make the vlogs shorter. The longer the better it is, I guess. Okay, maybe you shouldn't make them an hour long or so, but 15-30 minutes is really okay!

  17. Thanks for the new video, Hunter!
    You, however, the most awesome man^_^

  18. Yeah they're extremely extremely entertaining videos. haha. No need to cut them down or anything. I actually linked your blog in my up coming vegetarian blog series which should debut sometime this month. So if my friends know what's best for them they'll check it out!!

  19. Your restaurant reminded me of The Simpsons:

    "Bring us the finest food you've got, stuffed with the second finest."

    "Excellent, sir. Lobster, stuffed with tacos. "

  20. I am so down with filled churros!
    I had a churro filled with chocolate have to be a fatass, like myself, to order it...but it was amazing.

  21. You're so awesome! It's so nice of you to do this you know? Other people wouldnt do these Q&A vlogs :) You rock! And dont make them shorter! We get to see more of you this way!

  22. Hunter, I'm pretty sure you could film yourself talking for hours on end and we'd all be entertained to the max. In fact, I'm pretty sure we're all kind of freakishly creepy that way. But it's because we love you, so it's okay (sort of).

    Wouldn't it be kind of weird to have your "female companion" as your doctor? She'd know all about your medical problems... Awkward (though the sound you made when you made the two into one was great).

  23. i think
    you might be a food pansy

  24. oh i love these answers.. they make me all happy inside. well keep blogging. and i shall keep checking in.. its time for me to go to kareoke now.
    hey, do you do karaoke? if so what songs?


  25. Lol nice shout out! Wow an aquarium of regular horses? I'd love to see that, thanks for answering it!

    Can't wait to see the next Q&A installment. :)

  26. Hilarious!! But what would horses do in an aquarium??

    Anyway, I wanna say that these vlogs kinda make life better! :D You're so funny! Thank you so much for taking (having taken?) the time to do this <3

    I'm not on Twitter, so I can't "follow" you, but I visit your page several times a day. And I'm subscribing to your Youtube account right away!

  27. Hunter,

    I am part Alsatian too! (that's what it's called when you're from Alsace Lorraine). I've never met another person who's part Alsatian...though I watched your q&a blog, and you watched my Begin Transmission video, that still doesn't count...or does it?

  28. Ha! That was AWESOME! I have absolutely no problem with the lengths. I'm sad when they're over to be honest.

  29. Oh No They Didn't! I spend way too much time on that site. I just love the snark so much.

  30. The longer the better, I say! :D

    I was waiting for you to say plumbgician. I'm telling you, man, BEST SIDE-PROJECT EVER! Think about it. ;D

  31. Nice use of the word "laconic", although I don't really think it's a word I would use to describe your vlogs. Verbose? Maybe a smidge. Articulate? Indubitably. Outré? Now you're just putting words in my mouth.

  32. At least the plumbing doesn't suck on that island! That image of the house with crazy pipework is ridiculously amazing. I had to pause the video and admire that pic for several minutes :D

    I always thought your nationality was Lebanese. Now I know better.

  33. Hunter! Part 4 Please!
    I can't wait...your videos make me feel warm and fuzzy lol =]

  34. Mt. Rushmore is fucking amazing. The thrill kinda goes away after twenty minutes though. Everyone should take a road trip Elizabethtown-style in my opinion! I didn't know you were part Norweigian, that's so cool!

  35. Oh, you just keep on amazing us, Mister.

    Starting a road trip at home is freaky though.
