Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hunter Revenge show? YES!

Get there before 10:30 PM!
Be over 18 years old!
Bring your handclaps!
See Hunter Revenge play like never before in 2009!!!!

Sizzling guitar solos!
Cataclysmic keyboard licks!
Moon shattering keyboard licks!
Thumping drum beats!
Sticky sweet vocals!

The Olsen twins will be there!*
Winston Churchill will be there!*
CGI Doves will be there!*
Will you be there?

Club info here.

*Will not actually be there.


  1. Now won't you feel silly if the Olsen Twins ARE there?
    I really wish I could be
    Want to come play a show at the University of Hartford in CT?

  2. Yeah... I want to see Hunter Revenge also... but As I'm concerned, you're* not planing a South American Tour, neither a show in Colombia... so, I'll guess I'll have to wait

    * AFI is also included in the "you're" thing

  3. Aw, I was really hoping to see those CGI doves. I think they're avoiding me.

  4. I wish I could.... D:

    Hunter you should show some love to Nor Cal and play at UC Davis!! that would be amazing!! XD XD XD

  5. Well I was really only playing to go if mk olsen would be there.


  6. and by "playing" i mean... well, i mean that's as good as the alternative. planning? nah.

  7. Wish I could be there!

  8. See, I would be there Hunter but it is just the problem of being in the wrong country. :-( You should come to the UK.

  9. Why don't you dedicate a song to all of us who can't be there? :)

    It'll be cool though, you guys are awesome.

  10. It's times like these that I am sad I am fifteen and living on a tiny island in Canada with a bad financial situation.


  11. See you then . . .for you I will drive to Hollywood (something I really hate) . . .

  12. Can't go, bummer. :(

    Can you maybe give some of the CGI doves high fives from me or something? I'm sure they'd appreciate that. :)

  13. i live in Ireland... too far away... :(
    *sad face*

    and i'm only 16! *even sadder face*

    oh well, i'm going on "work experience" for the next two weeks. at my lunch break i get to sit in a cafe wearing heels and attempting to look sophisticated! *laughs*

  14. No! I will not be there! In June I could go, but not until then. And I can't go since it's in the US (it would be asking a lot to make me deal with those nasty customs people. They're mean). Damn, am I missing out, though! Winston Churchill!

  15. As if it hasn't been made clear by our relentless internet-harassing, you really really ought to come to Texas.

  16. I read "bring your handclaps" as "bring your handicaps". Lucky for you I realised my mistake before I could file a discrimination lawsuit.

    Have fun!

  17. I hope you have fun Hunter.I still can't see you.It sucks big time.

  18. I wish I could be there, but I'm not over 18 and I won't be in Hollywood tomorrow. :(

    Love you though

    And make a Europe tour. (including AFI)

  19. god. i wanna see Hunter Revenge sooooo much!!!! but alas, i'm only 13, and it seems the concerts usually end up where you must be 18...promise me you'll still be around in 5 years, 'kay?

  20. Wish I could attend! I'm far far away! LOL, have a good one!

  21. I wish I could be there, but there's an ocean in the way....

  22. What about the East Coast? I live in Scranton! Nothing good ever comes here! Haha

  23. aww so cool...
    hunt! follow me on twitter!

    this is about AFI :)

