Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I'd horse-whip you if I had a horse.

I've spent a long time writing what will probably be the greatest blog entry ever written (at least the greatest entry about horses,) but while taking my time to make it the greatest, I have neglected a bunch of important things. So the horse blog will have to wait! I know you're crying right now, and that's okay. I understand. The horse blog will be done soon. In the meantime, here's a lightning speed update:

Hunter Revenge is playing the Warped Tour this Sunday, August 17, 2008 at the Home Depot Center parking lot in Carson, CA (near LA) Our set time is unknown, but if you follow me on Twitter, I will let everyone know as soon as I know.

The Force is getting ready for the reunion shows. We have been practicing like mad and it's sounding very tough. I feel ten years younger, or at least ten years less old. Tickets are still on sale for these shows, and it would be awesome to see all my friends, fans, acquaintances, and foes there. Foes make for a good pit. We will have all new merch and also the limited edition vinyl "Complete Discography" that all your friends want to buy. Go to The Force's website for tickets. I also recently added this 1997 performance of "Goodnight" to my youtube channel:

AFI is still working on our next record, so don't worry. Just because we haven't played a show or released that EP does NOT mean that we broke up. Some people worry too much. You guys are going to love our new songs. I don't want to get ahead of myself here, but I think we're real contenders for a Daytime Emmy award. Seacrest can kiss my grits!

OK! I'm off to drink coffee and work on my horse blog some more. Hey...has anyone seen any good movies lately?


  1. You guys are playing a Berkeley show, right? I can't remember what the bulletin said. Go me. Unfortunately I have to work. Have fun without me.

    Oh and go see The Dark Knight if you happen to be the only one in the world that hasn't. Or The X-Files if you're a nerd like me. Then again, only the cool kids blog about horses. Clearly I am lame.

    I'm off to Herbivore for food.



  2. Saw "The Dark Knight", a special screening of "The Pineapple Express"-fucking hysterical by the way, WOULD have seen a screening of "Tropic Thunder", but seats were limited and my friend and I showed up too late.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh my god, that horse is stylin'.

    I am going out right now to buy myself a horse so I can dress it like that.

    & I CANNOT fucking wait to see The Force, I am so excited.

  5. I pity the foe . . . see you on Sunday and at Chain!

  6. This movie is by no means new, but I saw The Prestige for the first time last week and I loved it.

    I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the horse blog.

  7. I've been wanting to see Hunter Revenge live for so long! If only I had the funds to arrange a road trip..

    Speaking of amazing reunion shows, will their ever be a chance of The Frisk getting back together?

    I recently saw Mister Lonely... that was one of the more interesting film experiences I've had. This came out a while ago but Teeth was fantastic! I suggest it if you have a twisted sense of humor.

  8. The Dark Knight is one heck of an awesome movie. Pineapple Express was freakin funny!
    that poor horse..

  9. movies.. i wish.. i work in a store that sells movies video games and of course music.. and sadly i dont watch any movies. i have only seen batman recenty.. sad day.

    oh well off to bed. work tomarrow along with inventory. i'll be up till 5 or 6 in the morning!

  10. Horses? I don't get it. But it's funny.

    Movies: Dark Knight (obviously), Wall-E, and I just watched Love Actually. So damn cute.

  11. OMG Horsey! :D
    Yeah...those things terrify me. Bad experience when I was a kid.

    Hunter, if you have not seen the Dark Knight, I will personally hunt you down and sneak you into the theater 'cuz I only enough money for one. Unless you want to pay, that's fine with me. Anyway, you will watch it. You will enjoy it. You will scream like the ultimate fangirl when the Joker comes on.

    And if you did see it, Pineapple Express looks funneh. Or maybe you need a serious drama, like Step Brothers. :D

  12. Can't wait for that epic blog on horses, Hunter. They happen to be my favorite animal.

    I haven't really seen any new movies lately, unless you count seeing The Dark Knight for a second time. Though I did see Mama Mia' that was pretty good. Tropic Thunder looks great, and I've heard good things about Pinapple Express, so I'll probably go see those.

  13. I wish I could see you play both in HR and The Force but there's a war in my body. Hopefully, my new chemo is killing the cancer!

    I love twitter, but I don't have one yet. I have not even updated my blog on here in quite some time.

    Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant are both amazing! I watched The Apartment with Jack Lemmon and Shirley Maclaine (sp?) a couple of days ago. Wow.

  14. The Dark Knight! You'll love the joker.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Cannot wait for Berkeley...that will be the shit.
    I'm sure you already saw Dark Knight, so there ya go.
    Horses are chill.
    Funny pics, I wonder where you find all of them!
    Yay for new AFI <3

    - Bella

  17. I'm too poor to see movies. I go to shows instead. Better investing in my opinion.

    Hope you're well in this sad time. <3

  18. I saw the Dark Knight?
    That movie was lovely, haha, I've seen it a few to many times now.

    I can not wait for the horse blog, even though any blog is perfect, they all make me smile.

    I also can not wait for the new anything afi, also, have fun at warped and the force shows, I wish plane tickets across the us weren't as expensive.

  19. Twitter FTW man.

    And a mysterious horse blog? Nice. I hope it doesn't involve tales of horse penis. I endured enough talk of that at the weekend (my dad's lady's horse had penis issues. I was not starring in animal based porn. Thankfully.)


  20. New movies? Try watching something old but fashie and refreshing, like The Lion King. It's a classic anyway! Or maybe, if you like some weirdo-alien action, The Fifth Element. Bruce Willis does great job in that! And Gary Oldman rocks my socks!! ^^

    Horse blog? O.o I don't like horses but it's your call.

  21. Horse blog? Interesting... Hm. Good luck with the upcoming shows though, I wish I could be there to see you play too!

    Good movies? Well, I finally saw "The Dark Knight" the other day,which was amazing. "Mamma Mia" wasn't bad either, very catchy.


  22. People thought that AFI broke up? Man....that's stupid..Oh well.

    The Mummy 3 was good...and funny.

  23. What? Where's the horse blog?!

    But I'm a Cheerleader is a good movie. Ru Paul is in it. You can't go wrong with Ru Paul.

  24. let's watch The House Bunny together, Hunter.

  25. None of the new release movies... I'd stick to the classics.

    I'd recommend some good music though. Have you heard any Kristofer Astrom? That's sweet stuff.

  26. why do you always want people to call you?

  27. The Dark Knight. I know it's been out for a while, but if you haven't already seen it you definitely should.

    AFI NEWS! I could kiss you, Hunter! Who thought you were breaking up? That's silly.

    I cried until my eyes ran dry over the horse blog. Tragic.

  28. Hey, Hunter!
    Don't laugh but I just saw the OLD movie of, "To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything!"
    with Wesley Snipes,
    Patrick Swayze,
    John Leguizamo, & Stockard Channing. It was the one about three drag queens traveling across the mid west...? Did you see it? Fun Times~
    Thanks for the video from 1997~
    See you on the road~Have Fun!! <3

  29. You should probably recommend movies to ME because we get them a kazillion years later than you. Like The Dark Knight. It's still not on here! *whine*

  30. Hunter... right now you're seriously holding AFI up for me. I mean... really.

    And I recently saw the Little Prince for the 3241234th time. Still amazing.

  31. Friggin' sweet. Wish I could make it over there.

    Dark Knight was pretty awesome. I expect all these comedies to be awesome as well... Guess I'll see soon enough.

  32. I just watched American Psycho which has Christian Bale being a real asshole. That's always good. I just watched Season 2 of The Adventures of Pete & Pete, which is possibly the greatest tv show ever. Persepolis is pretty awesome too.

    That's a mighty fine horse you have there. :)

  33. Hello Hunter I want to see the horse blog I like horses, and you and the force that is going to be awesome have fun, and I just can't wait for the new afi song I know there are going to be more than great, and new movies hum... I think mirrors is great but I'm an horror fan
    ♥Luv U♥
    take care

  34. Have you ever seen "Withnail & I"? If not, you must watch it now.

  35. Hey!!!

    I went to warped tour and I could not find anywhere what stage or time you were playing, and so I did not get to see you. . . . :( :( :( :( :(

  36. Hey hunter! Here's a movie for ya! "Dragon Love"
    It's in Chinese with no english subtitles and it is about 33 or so episodes long....OK it's a TV series on DVD here in China, maybe I will send it to you next year for your birthday. It has a sad ending. Learn Chinese, then you can come over here and haggle prices down. After all 100% of everything in America is made in China.
    Have a great week!

  37. I will see you at Warped hopefully.... and the Lordz.

    How I love them.

    See the Dark Knight if you haven't already.

    Heath Ledger was delectable.

  38. Wish that I could see you guys at the reunion concert! As for the movies, of course The Dark Knight is good like everybody's saying, but also Donny Darko (even though it's not exactly new). My friend let me borrow that last movie and now we're both in love with it.

  39. I follow you on twitter. You should follow me. www.twitter.com/shanagdi
