Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Force is a horse, of course, of course...

Sorry, no horses just yet. However, The Force - Complete Discography is now totally available on iTunes. This is the future, people! Start acting futuristic and download all 21 songs for only $9.99 (USD, which is cheap no matter where you're from!) That's less money than some people spend on a fake mustache!

...and while you're clicking and buying, don't forget that tickets are still available for The Force's 10 year reunion shows. Simply CLICK HERE and follow the easy-to-follow instructions.

Listen, I'm no salesman. I'm just a regular guy trying to let you all in on a great opportunity. Don't pass these deals up!


  1. Haha, stop being such a horse tease!

    But I will definately be downloading The Force album, so your salesman act has worked a treat!


  2. No horses yet? ;_;

    I want the Force albums!!

  3. The title definitely had me fooled. I thought the horse blog was finally here.

  4. Still no horses? ;~;
    oh well, we get a consolation prize. :D

  5. Dammit I thought it was the epic horse blog. The wait for that horsey blog is killing me.

    However due to your spectacular salesman skills, Hunter, I will buy the complete Force Discography. I'd buy a ticket to a show too, but I lack transportation. But I'll be there in spirit, in equine spirit to be exact.

  6. o durn no horsestuff yet?
    I just got the force's complete discography it's awsome!!

  7. hmm...I tkink I'm a better saleswoman XD

    but since I'm one of these ppl who want CD's I'm not going to buy it...

    talking about CD's I'd love to have a Hunter Revenge one :D

  8. I shall buy your CD, and I shall take you to see Radiohead with me!. I'm not a cheap date though, I expect you to at the very least dance with me.

  9. You're killin' me with not posting the horse blog!! xDD

  10. Woooo I just bought it. The Force is with me.

  11. Santa, for Christmas I want a pony!

    Sweetass about the Force.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Popular to contrary belief Mr. Hunter, I do believe you are a FANTASTIC salesman considering I just bought tickets AND your CD on itunes. Who would have thought, right?

  14. GREAT SHOW tonight! Thanks so much!
